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The Problem With QR Codes


After FarmVille, I think QR codes win the prize for my most ranted about topic when I'm speaking. They are the perfect example of a bright and shiny marketing object. They are so cool of an idea that they are almost...

The Role of Technology in Employee Engagement


The digital economy has forever changed the nature of business. Successful companies must now be adept at differentiating their products and corporate reputation with a technology backbone, but one area that is...

The Start-Up of You


The January 2012 cover story of Fast Company magazine was all about Generation Flux. Youâve heard of Gen X, Gen Y and more, but what is Generation Flux? Our business world has been through some tumultuous times:...

Trailblazing a New Frontier in Leadership


Trailblazing a New Frontier in Leadership Getting to âœwowâ in life is an important and life-long journey â from cradle to grave. Being an enterprising leader â that unique individual possessed with an unwavering vision,...

Want to Sell Product? Sleep With Your Customers


Knowing the bathroom, eating, and cleanliness habits of consumers can make or break a campaign. Question is: How far are you willing to go? How well would you say you know your consumer--not just the broad-stroke stuff,...

What Is The Value? Where Is The Value? Who Perceives The value?


You have been making value perceptions and value judgments your entire life. You may call them decisions, moments of truth, or actions. Intuitively they focus around value â and your perception of it â or the weight you...

Yes, You Can – Relationship Development Isn’t Luck, It’s a System


Relationship Development starts with the unconventional premise that relationship building is not a matter of luck, genetics, or social status. There is a system â shared mindsets, process, and skills â employed by...

What Type of Value Are You Selling


These are interesting times in the business of sales. Global economic forces and the impact of our new âœpoint and clickâ era have changed the rules forever. However, as great sales professionals, our role remains...

What's More Important, The Sale or Your Reputation?


One definition of a prostitute is someone who sacrifices their good name in order to make a buck. But what do you do when someone else is driven by the sale but it is your reputation that suffers as a result? This is...

Where Trust Begins


âœNo one has ever become poor... giving."- Anne Frank There is something in the human DNA that makes us feel good when we give to others. Even the simplest act--opening a door for a stranger, letting the car in front of...

Who's in Charge of Your Strategy?


Hint: It should be you. Why do so many strategies fail? The examples are almost endless: In the past months alone we've seen the sad stories unfold at Kodak, Hewlett Packard, Nokia, Yahoo, RIM, and Sony, to name just a...

Why Innovation is a Big Deal


Hereâs what I know for sure. Change is constant. Businesses grow, or shrink. And we all evolve. So you have two choices: You can sit and watch the transformation happen, or you can be an active participant. Alan Kay...

Why No One Will Watch Your Crappy Corporate "Viral" Video, And How To Fix It


Those "Will It Blend?" videos of some guy throwing an iPhone in a blender and the instantly viral Shakeweight ads have millions and millions of views. Your company's new "viral" spot has 500. Here's what separates great...

Why Your Good Advice Isn't Working (And How to Change That)


You Are a Machine Letâs own up to the truth right now: You are a finely-tuned, advice-giving machine. For years youâve been trained, nurtured, encouraged and rewarded to share your point of view. Youâre a walking fount...

Work With People You Don't Like


We have all heard the expression, âœopposites attract.â  But in fact there is irrefutable scientific evidence that in relationships, opposites repel. Simply put, we prefer to be around others who are similar to us. In...

From Atoms to Bits to Atoms


Something amazing happened in early October of this year. A spacecraft launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida and made its way to the International Space Station carrying close to one thousand pounds of supplies. The...

From Business Cards to Business Relationships: Personal Branding and Profitable Networking Made Easy

Book Excerpt

The most likely starting point to build a profitable network is to analyze your current network and figure out who you already know. If you have networked for years, or if youâre brand new to the concept, chances are...

How Do We Identify Good Ideas?


Iâve always been fascinated by the failures of genius. Consider Bob Dylan. How did the same songwriter who produced Blood on the Tracks and Blonde on Blonde also conclude that Down in the Groove was worthy of release?...

How the Chinese Became Global Branding Geniuses


In the same way China approached its preparations for the Beijing Olympics, businesses have fully detailed each sensory impression a product will have on consumers. One company's ultimate objective: Become a global...

Ignoring Superficial Distractions, Canada's Startup Space Continues to Boom


With cross-country transportation limited at the turn of the twentieth century, Vancouver was isolated from Toronto and Montrealâs domestic film production communities. That should have broken Vancouverâs back. But in...