Past Events

Each full day conference is targeted at a unique industry and developed to answer the critical questions presently facing today’s top organizations.


Available in major markets across Canada, The Art Of conferences attract an exclusive audience of over 20,000 business leaders, decision makers, and entrepreneurs each year.


All the speakers were extremely innovative and experienced in their fields. They presented new ideas in a way that emotionally and intellectually stimulated the audience... Great choice of speakers!

Alexandra Margulescu,
Concordia University

Great day today! Bill Rocked it! You know you have something special going when you account managers are paying you compliments and staying engaged all day.

Mark Colella,
Director of Sales Eclipse Technology Solutions

Joey offers a unique and insightful take on customer experience; a topic that is well-covered but rarely covered well.

Deloitte Canada

Mindblowing!!! Joey has you riveted from start to finish. You will be hinging on every nuance of every word as the inflections in his voice take you to places you didn't know you could go as a new entrepreneur.

Dave Agnew,

The Art of Marketing was an event filled with inspirational speakers and ideas. Some of the industry's top talent showed their secrets of success and visions for the future, INVALUABLE!

Will Eagle,
Sr. Digital Marketing Manager Scotiabank

Phenomenal combination of speakers & topics. Perfection collected at one time and one place for every executive - VERY EFFECTIVE!

Patrick Morello,
President LANDinc

Past Events